Ecology Introduction
What is ecology? Ecology is a science that studies and learn the relationship between animals and their environment, both organic and non-organic, and their reciprocal relationship with plants competing with each other for survival. The phrase was popularized by a biologist from Germany named Ernst Haeckel in 1866 where Haeckel popularized the phrase "Ecology" which comes from Oikos, the Greek word for home, to categorize the branch of biology that studies phenomena that occur around us. This phenomenon occurs naturally in our environment and has been going on for a long time. People who study this science are called ecologists. Explanations about ecology are not limited to researchers only, someone who is curious and finds out about the natural processes that occur around him such as observing the types of fish caught every month and changes that occur from time to time can also be categorized as an ecologist. The natural processes observed by ecologists include two distinct...